

- MPG® Direct mRNA Purification Kits:
- Designed specifically for the isolation of pure, intact mRNA directly from cells and animal or plant tissue. Takes 15 minutes or less and eliminates the need for total RNA isolations, oligo(dT) columns, phenol-chloroform extractions and long overnight centrifugations through CsCl gradients.
- MPG® mRNA Purification Kit:
- Isolation of pure, intact mRNA from purified total RNA utilizing magnetic separation technology. The isolation takes 15 minutes or less and eliminates the need for messy oligo dT columns.
- MPG® Streptavidin Biotinylated Oligo (dT)25 Complex:
- MPG® Streptavidin is magnetic porous glass particles with streptavidin covalently coupled to the surface. The Complex consists of the MPG® Streptavidin particles with biotinylated oligo (dT)25 prebound to provide for optimal mRNA yields.
- RNase-OFF® Decontamination Solution:
- Demonstrated to eliminate >20 µg of RNase A dried onto the bottom of a microcentrifuge tube. RNase-OFF® is at least as effective as other major brands when used as directed.
- RNase Inhibitor (cloned):
- Inhibits RNase by tightly binding RNase A-type enzymes in a 1:1 molar ratio. It does not inhibit nucleic acid modifying enzymes. Use of this enzyme increases yields in reactions that utilize RNA substrates or produce RNA.
- SOLIDscript Solid Phase cDNA Synthesis Kit:
- This novel kit allows you to go directly from cells, animal or plant tissue and total RNA to an immobilized cDNA library in less than 2 hours, enabling you to get your PCR results in the same day.
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