

Researcher: I have a peptide, which binds to a factor in serum. Can I conjugate this peptide to MPG® Long Chain Alkylamine to affinity purify the factor? |
TechTALKer:If the amino group(s) on the peptide used for coupling to the MPG® Long Chain Alkylamine (LCA) particles does not change the nature or conformation of the ligand binding site then, yes, you can create a magnetic affinity matrix specific for the factor. This can be easily accomplished using our Solid Phase Oligo COUPLE-IT kit. This kit includes MPG® LCA particles and the necessary reagents to carry out efficient coupling reactions. In working out your downstream purification protocol, it is important to include mock-coupled MPG® particles (MPG® coupled to a random peptide sequence or uncoupled MPG®) to use as a control to distinguish any nonspecifically bound proteins from specifically bound proteins. Nonspecific binding can be significantly reduced or eliminated completely by carefully choosing binding and wash buffers containing the appropriate detergent, salts and pH for your factor.
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