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Index: Volume 5 Number 1
Next Article: Introducting Magnetic Protein A


Faster mRNA Isolation Goto Product in Catalog
More Convenient mRNA Isolation

The leading magnetic particle is now available pre-complexed and ready-to-use for mRNA isolations. MPGŪ Streptavidin, our magnetic porous glass particle with streptavidin covalently coupled to the surface, has always been the ideal choice for mRNA purification. Previously when you purchased one of our MPGŪ mRNA purification kits or MPGŪ Streptavidin by itself, you were responsible for adding the oligo (dT)25 probe.

Ready-to-Use for mRNA Isolations

For your convenience we have introduced MPGŪ Streptavidin Complex. The Complex is made up of MPGŪ Streptavidin with biotinylated oligo (dT)25 pre-bound to its surface to provide for optimal mRNA yields. The MPGŪ Streptavidin Complex will provide yields of up to 7µg of messenger per milligram of particles, depending on your sample.

15 minutes from tissue to messenger

The complex reduces the amount of preparation time and number of manipulations previously required when using MPGŪ Streptavidin particles for mRNA Isolation. The time savings is approximately 5 minutes, now allowing for mRNA isolations in 15 minutes. The complex also eliminates the need for the buffers specific to the probe attachment step.

Next Article: Introducing Magnetic Protein A



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